
Normale Version: Teamspeak 3 File Sharing Port ändern
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Betreff: File Sharing Port ändern bei Teamspeak 3 auf Windows Server 2003.

Ich brauche Hilfe und zwar muss ich dringend den Filesharing Port meines Teamspeak 3 Servers ändern, der auf meinem Windows 2003 Server läuft.
Muss ich ihn via Server Query ändern?

Bitte helft mir Smile

Liebe Grüße
ja über den server query mit dem hauptacount (haste bei der instalation bekommen)

Ja ich habe das Passwort, aber könntest du mir vielleicht etwas genauer sagne wie das geht? ( via PN oder hier im Thread)

Ich kenne mich leider noch nicht so gut mit Teamspeak 3 aus Wink

Vielen Dank
Wie wäre es ma in die Server-Doku zu kucken oder im offiziellen Forum zu suchen? Rolleyes
Normal änderst Du globale Ports wie den File-Transfer per Start-Parameter.

* filetransfer_port (30033)
TCP Port opened for file transfers. If you specify this parameter, you also
need to specify the "filetransfer_ip" parameter!
Default: The default file tranfer port is 30033.

* filetransfer_ip (
IP on which the file transfers are bound to. If you specify this parameter,
you also need to specify the "filetransfer_port" parameter!
Default: File transfers are bound on any IP address.

WiiDz ist dein Problem mitlerweile gelöst?
@ alcazar

Ich habe schon Google durchforstet und versucht mit Parameter den Server zu starten, aber der Server geht dann nur aus & wieder an und das Problem liegt immernoch vor.

@ Madmatti

Wie du siehst leider noch nicht.
Also setze ich meine Hoffnung auf dich Smile
haste den Vorschlag von alcazar ausprobiert??
Ja, mit einem " - " vor dem Parameter, startet zwar der Server, aber das Problem bleibt dennoch.
./ts3server_startscript.sh restart filetransfer_port=<Port>
Müsste das nicht klappen? Mit dem minimal_runscript.sh klappt das auf jeden fall, ich weiß nicht, ob das mit dem startscript auch geht. Probiers mal aus

Hier ist ein Zitat aus der Dokumentation, ich habe die wichtigen Stellen rot markiert.

server_quickstart.txt aus Documentation schrieb:
(6) Commandline Parameters

Commandline parameters are passed to the TeamSpeak 3 Server using the form:

ts3server_<arch> <parameter1>=<value1> [<parameter2>=<value2>] ...

Important: All commandline parameters passed to the server need to be escaped
using the ServerQuery escape patterns (check the ServerQuery manual for details).

$ ./ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh clear_database=1 create_default_virtualserver=0

Commandline parameters are not saved over sessions, so if you passed paramaters
when starting the server process, you need to pass them again the next time. If
a parameter is not specified, the default value will be used, regardless of
parameters specified during a previous server start.

The following commandline parameters are available:

* default_voice_port (9987)
UDP port open for clients to connect to. This port is used by the first
virtual server, subsequently started virtual servers will open on increasing
port numbers.
Default: The default voice port is 9987.

* voice_ip (
IP on which the server instance will listen for incoming voice connections.
Default: The server is bound on any IP address.

* create_default_virtualserver (1)
Normally one virtual server is created automatically when the TeamSpeak 3
Server process is started. To disable this behaviour, set this parameter
to "0". In this case you have to start virtual servers manually using the
ServerQuery interface.
Default: If not provided, one virtual server is created.

* machine_id (<empty>)
Optional name of this server process to identify a group of servers with
the same ID. This can be useful when running multiple TeamSpeak 3 Server
instances on the same database. Please note that we strongly recommend that
you do NOT run multiple server instances on the same SQLite database.
Default: The server instance will not use a machine ID.

* filetransfer_port (30033)
TCP Port opened for file transfers. If you specify this parameter, you also
need to specify the "filetransfer_ip" parameter!
Default: The default file tranfer port is 30033.

* filetransfer_ip (
IP on which the file transfers are bound to. If you specify this parameter,
you also need to specify the "filetransfer_port" parameter!
Default: File transfers are bound on any IP address.

* query_port (10011)
TCP Port opened for ServerQuery connections. If you specify this parameter,
need to specify the "query_ip" parameter!
Default: The default ServerQuery port is 10011.

* query_ip (
IP bound for incoming ServerQuery connections. If you specify this parameter,
you also need to specify the "query_port" parameter!
Default: ServerQuery connections are bound on any IP address.

* clear_database (0)
If set to "1", the server database will be cleared before starting up the server.
This is mainly used for testing. Usually this parameter should not be specified,
so all server settings will be restored when the server process is restarted.
Default: Database is not cleared on start.

* logpath (logs/)
The physical path where the server will create logfiles.
Default: The server will create logfiles in the "logs/" subdirectory.

* dbplugin (ts3db_sqlite3)
Name of the database plugin library used by the server instance. For example, if
you want to start the server with MySQL support, simply set this parameter to
"ts3db_mysql" to use the MySQL plugin. Do *NOT* specify the "lib" prefix or the file
extension of the plugin.
Default: The default SQLite3 database plugin will be used.

* dbpluginparameter (<empty>)
A custom parameter passed to the database plugin library. For example, the MySQL
database plugin supports a parameter to specify the physical path of the plugins
configuration file.
Default: The database plugin will be used without a parameter.

* dbsqlpath (sql/)
The physical path where your SQL script files are located.
Default: The server will search for SQL script files in the "sql/" subdirectory.

* dbsqlcreatepath (create_sqlite/)
The physical path where your SQL installation files are located. Note that this
path will be added to the value of the "dbsqlpath" parameter.
Default: The server will search for SQL installation scripts files in the
"<dbsqlpath>/dbsqlcreatepath/" subdirectory.

* licensepath (<empty>)
The physical path where your license file is located.
Default: The license file is located in your servers installation directory.

* createinifile (0)
If set to "1", the server will create an INI-style config file containing all
commandline parameters with the values you have specified.
Default: The server will not create a config file.

* inifile (ts3server.ini)
The physical path where your config file is located. Per default, the config file will
be called "ts3server.ini".
Default: The config file is located in your servers installation directory.

* query_ip_whitelist (query_ip_whitelist.txt)
The file containing whitelisted IP addresses for the ServerQuery interface. All hosts
listed in this file will be ignored by the ServerQuery flood protection.
Default: The whitelist file is located in your servers installation directory.

* query_ip_backlist (query_ip_backlist.txt)
The file containing backlisted IP addresses for the ServerQuery interface. All hosts
listed in this file are not allowed to connect to the ServerQuery interface.
Default: The whitelist file is located in your servers installation directory.

* dbclientkeepdays (90)
Defines how many days to keep unused client identities. Auto-pruning is triggered on every
start and on every new month while the server is running.
Default: The server will auto-prune client identities older than 90 days.

* dblogkeepdays (90)
Defines how many days to keep database log entries. Auto-pruning is triggered on every
start and on every new month while the server is running.
Default: The server will auto-prune log entries older than 90 days.

* logquerycommands (1)
If set to "1", the server will log every ServerQuery command executed by clients. This can
be useful while trying to diagnose several different issues.
Default: ServerQuery commands will not be logged.

* no_permission_update (0)
If set to "1", new permissions will not be added to existing groups automatically. Note that
this can break your server configuration if you dont update them manually.
Default: New permissions will be added to existing groups automatically.

* open_win_console (0)
If set to "1", the server will open a console window. Note that this only affects Windows
Default: The console will be hidden on Windows.

* no_password_dialog (0)
If set to "1", the server will not display the initial password dialog on the first start.
Note that this only affects Windows servers.
Default: The initial password dialog will be shown.

* dbconnections (10)
The number of database connections used by the server. Please note that changing this value
can have an affect on your servers performance. Possible values are 1-100.
Default: The server will use 10 database connections.

* disable_db_logging (0)
If set to "1", the server will not store any log entries in the database. Note that this
setting will also disable any ServerQuery command related to logging, e.g. logview.
Default: The server will store log entries in the database.

muss ma in query einfügen oder??? Oder über Putty
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